Thursday, April 24, 2008

Gloria Taylor's Funeral

I have just attended the funeral of Gloria Taylor. It was a poignant and moving service, especially seeing the faces of her husband Richard and her two surviving children. In every tribute that was paid to her the word "dignity" stood out.

There is no doubt that a part of Gloria died when Damilola was murdered, but her reaction to that terrible event did inspire many people and was a lesson in how we should find strength through adversity. How else to explain the presence of so many people today, from Harriet Harman to the Archbishop of York; Sir Trevor McDonald to Baroness Scotland; present and former Assistant Commissioners of the Metropolitan Police, and the many many friends and family members whose lives Gloria had touched.

Harriet spoke and paid an eloquent tribute to Gloria during the service, concluding by saying how proud she and so many people were of Gloria and Richard.

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