Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ruskin Park House & East Dulwich Estate

This past weekend Veronica and I spent time with colleagues Sarah King and Chris Gonde visiting Ruskin Park House and the East Dulwich Estate.

At RPH residents seemed incredibly content.  A new heating system is due to be installed which has the overwhelming support of the residents there.  It is an extremely well-run and managed block, and some of the historic issues over major works and heating from a few years ago now seem like a distant memory.

On East Dulwich Estate residents were pleased to see us and discuss continued progress being made.  Two elements of the estate's regeneration remain outstanding - the refurbishment of Badminton House into much needed renewed council homes and the environmental works right across the estate.  But both are due to get underway in the next few months.  The estate's regeneration has been a long time happening, and hopefully these final works will really mark the start of a new era in its role at the heart of South Camberwell.

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